It’s back to school time, i.e. that time of year I reminisce about my uni days and want to go back…just for the LOLs not the actual work. I thought I’d share this look just incase you’re looking for some back to school/college/uni inspiration. At school I only really started wearing makeup in 5th year, and even at that it was just some mascara and lip gloss. When I started uni though, I wanted to look a bit more fresh faced without actually looking like I was wearing a lot of makeup…you know the look I mean. I think this look pretty much sums that up perfectly so I hope you enjoy 🙂
You can watch the video here, and as always I’d really love if you could give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you like it!
P.s. I may or may not have subconsciously used the Gryffindor badge colours…”you’re a wizzard Harry”…too far? Sorry.
For those of you have already gone back to school/college/uni, I hope you’re settling in ok!! 🙂
Lots of love,
Chantelle xx